Concrete Garage Floors

Day in and day out, a garage floor takes quite a beating. It is subject to the pressure of a heavy vehicle and is gradually eroded by oil drips, salt, and other chemicals. Extreme temperatures, excess moisture, and the freeze-thaw cycle also take their toll on concrete. When should you replace your garage floor and what determines the cost?


More often than not, a garage floor repair is just a temporary fix. It’s likely time for a complete makeover when you notice these red flags:

  • Deep cracks, crumbling concrete, and/or pitting
  • An uneven, caved-in, or shifted floor slab
  • Water erosion due to broken drains or improperly sloped exterior grading
  • Moisture seeping through cracks in the foundation


Several factors will determine the final cost of installing a new concrete garage floor. The accessibility of your garage, condition of your existing floor, and your regional building code requirements are important aspects to consider. What is the purpose of your garage? This will affect how thick the concrete needs to be and what type of reinforcement should be used. For example, a garage that houses heavy equipment must be stronger to withstand the extra weight. Will the topsoil need to be leveled? Do you want vapor barriers or underfloor heating? The price naturally varies per project.